Suggested reading:DOSWALD-BECK Louise (ed.), San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, Cambridge, CUP, 1995, 257 pp.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, Regions of Operations of Naval Warfare: Reports and Commentaries of the Round-Table of Experts on International Humanitarian Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, Canadian Ministry of Defence, Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa 25-28 September 1992, Bochum, N. Brockmeyer, Vol. III, 1995, 150 pp.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, “How to Update the San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea”, in IYHR, Vol. 36, 2006, pp. 119-148.MEYROWITZ Henri, “Le Protocole additionnel I aux Conventions de Genève de 1949 et le droit de la guerre maritime”, in RGDIP, Vol. 89/2, 1985, pp. 243-298.MOINEVILLE Hubert, La guerre navale, Paris, PUF, 1982, 152 pp.POLITAKIS George P., Modern Aspects of the Laws of Naval Warfare and Maritime Neutrality, London, New York, Kegan Paul International, 1998, 678 pp.RAUCH Elmar, The Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts and the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea: Repercussions on the Law of Naval Warfare, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1984, 165 pp.ROACH J. Ashley, “The law of naval warfare at the turn of two centuries”, in AJIL, Vol. 94/1, 2000, pp. 64-77.SHEARER I. A., “International Humanitarian Law and Naval Operations”, in Quatre Études du Droit International Humanitaire, Geneva, Henry-Dunant Institute, 1985, pp. 17-34.VEGO Milan, Operational Warfare at Sea: Theory and Practice, London, New York, Routledge, 2009, 272 pp.Further reading:BIERZANEK Remigiusz, The Laws of Naval Warfare, A Collection of Agreements and Documents with Commentaries, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1988, pp. 161-171.BOELAERT-SUOMINEN Sonja, International Environmental Law and Naval War: The Effect of Marine Safety and Pollution Conventions during International Armed Conflict, Newport, Naval War College, 2000, 364 pp.DOSWALD-BECK Louise, “Vessels, Aircraft and Persons Entitled to Protection During Armed Conflicts at Sea”, The British Year Book of International Law, 1994, 279-294 pp.BOUVIER Antoine, “Humanitarian Protection and Armed Conflicts at Sea: Means and Methods of Identifying Protected Craft”, in SyracuseJournal of International Law and Commerce, Vol. 14, 1988, pp. 759-765.BRING Ove, “The Falkland Crisis and International Law”, in Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret, Vol. 51, 1982, pp. 129-163.COLOMBOS Constantine John, The International Law of the Sea, London, Longmans, 6th ed., 1967, 886 pp.DINSTEIN Yoram, “The Laws of War at Sea”, in IYHR, Vol. 10, 1980, pp. 38-69.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, “Manoeuvring in Rough Waters: the UK Manual of the Law of Armed Conflict and the Law of Naval Warfare”, in Frieden in Freiheit = Peace in Liberty = Paix en liberté: Festschrift für Michael Bothe zum 70 Geburtstag, Baden-Baden, Nomos; Zürich, Dike, 2008, pp. 427-444.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, “The Law of Naval Warfare and International Straits”, in International Law Studies, US Naval War College, Vol. 71, 1998, pp. 263-292.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, Visit, Search, Diversion and Capture: The Effect of the United Nations Charter on the Law of Naval Warfare: Reports and Commentaries of the Round-Table of Experts on International Humanitarian Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea, Norwegian Navy School of Tactics, Norwegian Red Cross, Bergen, 20-24 September 1991, Bochum, N. Brockmeyer, Vol. IV, 1995, 210 pp.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, “Visit, Search, Diversion, and Capture in Naval Warfare. Part II, Developments Since 1945”, in CYIL, 1992, pp. 89-126.LECKOW Ross, “The Iran-Iraq Conflict in the Gulf: The Law of War Zones”, in ICLQ, Vol. 37, 1988, pp. 629-644.MELSON David A., “Targeting War-Sustaining Capabilities at Sea: Compatibility with Additional Protocol I”, in The Army Lawyer, July 2009, pp. 44-54.POCAR Fausto, “Missile Warfare and Exclusion Zones in Naval Warfare”, in IYHR, Vol. 27, 1997-1998, pp. 215-224RONZITTI Natalino (ed.), The Law of Naval Warfare, A Collection of Agreements and Documents with Commentaries, Dordrecht/Boston, M. Nijhoff, 1988, 888 pp.SERSIC Maja, “Neutrality in International Armed Conflicts at Sea”, in VUKAS Budislav & SOSIC Trpimir M. (eds), International Law: New Actors, New Concepts, Continuing Dilemmas: Liber Amicorum Bozidar Bakotic, Leiden, Boston, M. Nijhoff, 2010, pp. 583-593.TUCKER Robert W., “The Law of War and Neutrality at Sea”, in International Law Studies, US Naval War College, Vol. 50, 1955, 448 pp.WOLFRUM Rüdiger, “Military Activities on the High Seas: What are the Impacts of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea?”, in International Law Studies, US Naval War College, Vol. 71, 1998, pp. 501-513.


Suggested reading:DINSTEIN Yoram, “The Laws of War at Sea”, in IYHR, Vol. 10, 1980, pp. 38-69.HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG Wolff, “The International Law of Mine Warfare at Sea”, in IYHR, Vol. 23, 1993, pp. 53-76.REED J., “‘Damm the Torpedoes’: International Standards Regarding the Use of Automatic Submarine Mines”, in Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. (2), 1984-1985, pp. 286-322.STEPHEN D. J. & FITZPATRICK M. D., “Legal aspects of contemporary naval mine warfare”, in Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal, Vol. 21/4, 1999, pp. 553-590.Further reading:LIENANT J.-C., “La guerre des mines au Viet-Nam”, in Revue Maritime, No. 299, 1974, pp. 696-703.