1. General points
- Legal personality
- Legal status of the ICRC
- The application of IHL to UN forces
- Privileges and immunities
- Privileges and immunities of the ICRC inherent in its mandate in IHL
- Privileges and immunities of the ICRC provided for in status agreements
- Privileges and immunities of the ICRC provided for in its headquarters agreement with Switzerland
- Treaty-making power
- Status agreements and operational agreements concluded by the ICRC
- Document No. 27, Agreement between the ICRC and Switzerland,
- Document No. 28, Agreement between the ICRC and the ICTY Concerning Persons Awaiting Trial before the Tribunal
2. The United Nations system
- Security Council enforcement measures
- Applicability of IHL
- Means of implementation of IHL
- The prosecution of war crimes as peace enforcement
- Case No. 211, ICTY, The Prosecutor v. Tadic [Part A., para. 39],
- Case No. 164, Sudan, Report of the UN Commission of Enquiry on Darfur
- Peacekeeping operations
- Document No. 59, UN, Review of Peace Operations
- Applicability of IHL
- Chapter 13. VIII. 5. a), UN forces as addresses of IHL and protected by IHL
- The ICRC’s observer status at the UN General Assembly
Case No. 54, UN, ICRC Granted Observer Status- The role of the UN General Assembly in the development of IHL
- The concept of in situ protection of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and implementation of IHL
- Reference to IHL in resolutions of the UN Human Rights Council
- Special rapporteurs of the UN Human Rights Council on IHL subjects
- UN human rights monitors and IHL
3. The International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
- The Conference’s legal nature
- Legal nature of Conference resolutions
4. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Status and role of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in IHL
5. The International Committee of the Red Cross
- The ICRC’s position and function in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- Its legal status
- Its principles
- Its traditionally mononational character
- Its role in the development of IHL
- Its mandate under IHL
- In international armed conflicts
- In non-international armed conflicts
- Activities and approach
- Importance of IHL in the ICRC’s operational practice 6. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies