
  1. A usually offensive tactical and strategic technique of warfare used in occupied territory by the enemy
  1. in connection with conventional operations by friendly forces;
  2. independently, as part of territorial defence.
  1. Term used in wars of national liberation and non-international armed conflicts by the dissident armed groups or by organized armed groups attempting to alter the established order by force of arms.

Guerrilla warfare tactics are used for sabotage, ambushes, and attacks on persons and property or against isolated enemy posts. Guerrilla warfare tactics are characterized by mobility, surprise, and prompt disengagement. These tactics take advantage of knowledge of the natural environment and the sympathy (or passive attitude) of the local population. Guerrilla warfare is waged by small widely scattered formations fighting superior forces whose flanks and rear they attack at unexpected places and times. See Armed forces, Combatants, Conflicts not of an international characterAsymmetric warfare; Fighters;




BAXTER Richard R., “So-Called ‘Unprivileged Belligerency’: Spies, Guerrillas and Saboteurs”, in BYIL, Vol. 28, 1951, pp. 323-345. VEUTHEY Michel, Guérilla et droit humanitaire, Geneva, ICRC, 1983, 451 pp.