See also Journalists;
BALGUY-GALLOIS Alexandre, “Protection des journalistes et des médias en période de conflit armé”, in IRRC, No. 853, March 2004, pp. 37-67. BOEGLI Urs, “A Few Thoughts on the Relationship between Humanitarian Agencies and the Media”, in IRRC, No. 325, December 1998, pp. 627-631. D’ABOVILLE Benoît, “Médiatisation des opérations de paix et respect du droit international humanitaire ?”, in Annuaire français de relations internationales, 2009, pp. 1027-1036. GUTMAN Roy W., “Spotlight on Violations of International Humanitarian Law: The Role of the Media”, in IRRC, No. 325, December 1998, pp. 667-675. MINEAR Larry, SCOTT Colin & WEISS Thomas G., The News Media, Civil War and Humanitarian Action, Boulder, London, Rienner Publishers, 1996, 123 pp. SANDOZ Yves, “Is There a ‘droit d’ingérence’ in the Sphere of Information? The Right to Information from the Standpoint of International Humanitarian Law”, in IRRC, No. 325, December 1998, pp. 633-642. STOLL Philippe & OBEROI Surinder (eds), Media Reporting: Armed Conflict and Violence: South Asian Senior Editor’s Conference 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dhaka, ICRC, Press Institute of Bangladesh, 2007, 144 pp.