
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following authors and publishers for permission to quote from their work: BAXTER Richard R., “Multilateral Treaties as Evidence of Customary International Law”, in The British Yearbook of International Law, 1965-66, Vol. 41, pp. 285-286.

CASSESE Antonio, Violence and Law in the Modern Age, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990, 223 pp.

D’AMATO Anthony, The Concept of Custom in International Law, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1971, 286 pp.

DAVID Éric, Principes de droit des conflits armés, Brussels, Bruylant, third edition, 2002, 994 pp.

HENKIN Louis, How Nations Behave: Law and Foreign Policy, New York, Columbia University Press, 1979, 400 pp.

HUBER Max, The Red Cross: Principles and Problems, Geneva, ICRC, 1941, 171 pp.

JENNINGS Robert Y., “What Is International Law and How Do We Tell It When We See It?”, in Annuaire suisse de droit international, 1981, Vol. 37, p. 67.

LAUTERPACHT Hersch, “The Problem of the Revision of the Law of War”, in The British Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 29, 1952-53, pp. 381-382.

LAUTERPACHT Hersch, “The Law of Peace”, in LAUTERPACHT Elihu (ed.), International Law, Collected Papers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Part 2, 1975.

McDOUGAL Myres S. & FELICIANO Florentino P., Law and Minimum World Public Order: The Legal Regulation of International Coercion, New Haven/ London, Yale University Press, 1961, p. 50.

ZAYAS Alfred M. (de), The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945, University of Nebraska Press, 1989, 364 pp.

While great care has been taken to establish and acknowledge copyright and contact the copyright owners, the authors tender their apologies for any accidental infringement. They would be pleased to come to a suitable arrangement with the rightful owner in each case.


The ICRC and the authors would also like to thank the following colleagues, students, staff and institutions (by alphabetical order of family names) for their invaluable support in setting up, testing, migrating and updating this platform:

Sara Maria Astrálaga Cediel

Fekade Abebe

Anna Andersso

Elöd Balazs

Ioannis Bamnios

Jean-René Beauchemin

Boualem Belbashir

Cloé Bernard-Gagnon

Vincent Bernard

Fikire Birhane

Julie Black

Mbokani Bisika Richard

Sophie Bobillier

Pierre-Alain Bosi

Myriam Bouguergour

Danielle Breitenbücher

Benedict Breitinger

Laurence Brunet-Baldwin

Alexandra Cahen

Valentina Caron

Léa Charvet

Anna Chiapello

Christof Chénier

Clinique juridique de l'université Panthéon Assas

Marine Colomb

Gaétane Cornet

Samuel Craissati

Javier Cueto Avellaneda

Margherita D'Ascanio

Maxime Delrieu

Madalena De Vasconcelos Costa Vieira Da Rosa

Julie Dumontier

Alexandre Duret

George Dvaladze

Elena Engelke

Guillaume Favel

Roger Friguls

Laurie Gagné

Sophie Gagné

Fernanda García Pinto

Juliane Garcia Ravel

Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Joëlle Germanier

Kiransingh Ghoorbin

Sophie Gobert

Marishet Mohammed Hamza

Alexandra Hansen

Sabrina Henry

Heleen Hiemstra

Yvette Issar

Shalini Iyengar

Nils Kapferer

Kevin Karlen

Tadesse Kebebew

Elem Khairullin

Pavle Kilibarda

Vanessa Konstandakis

Etienne Kuster

France Le Guern

Yannik Leguojeu

Sara Eve Levac

Tong Li

Louise Suzanne Joséphien Maillet

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Anaïs Maroonian

Camille Marquis Bissonnette

Nicole Martins-Maag

Jérôme Massé

Damien Massi

Fleur Maury

Luca Motta

Yashasvi Nain

Stella Nasirumbi

Matthieu Niederhauser

Maxime Nijs


Philippe Pakter

Anne-Sophie Pansier

Clémence Pélagie Patot

François Pernet

Hortense Popielas

Elvina Pothelet

Juliette Praz

Marie Prigent

Nicolas Quiroga

Virginia Raffaeli

Gabriel Rey

Leila Rharade

Nicolas Rhoné

Sophie Rondeau

Gabriel Rodrigue

Thomas Roos

Stéphanie Roullier

Jana Ruwayha

Aurore Saccagi

Giuliana Stephanie Saldarriaga Velásquez

Vincent Sautenet

Pia Marie Siebert

Dominique Steinbrecher

Adam Strobeyko

Océane Touillon

Angel Trejo Munguía

Laura Tribess

Chimdessa Tsega

University of Geneva, Faculty of Law

Silvia Urizzi

Daniela Valencia

Julio Veiga-Bezerra

Emily Velardi

Elisa Volpi Spagnolini

Ioanna Voudouri

David Wenk

Emilie Yakoubian